Port Douglas Crocs Logo green croc

Jumper Presentation & Season Launch

Thursday 30th March from 5:30pm

Help us kick off the 2023 season by coming down to the Croc Pit on Thursday 30th March.

This is a great chance to meet the new recruits as well as catch up with returning players and hear what the boys have in store for us on the field this year. With a handful of exciting new players, 2023 is looking good for the Cor

The junior side will present the seniors with their new jumpers in the Jumper Presentation which will take place after the sausage sizzle at 6:30pm – once the seniors have finished training.

The Season Launch also marks the return of the infamous Thursday Night Meals – Come down and get yourself a good, home cooked meal for just $10!

We hope to see you there!

5:30pm – Sausage Sizzle

6:30pm – Jumper Presentation